SAT Test Prep Jacksonville

March 2021 Reading Test - Whiplash!

March 2021 Reading Test - Whiplash!

While the October 2020 SAT was completely different from other recent administered tests (read HERE) - the College Board decided to swing completely in the opposite direction!

2020 PSAT: The Reading Test - Less P and More SAT

2020 PSAT: The Reading Test - Less P and More SAT

The 2020 PSAT saw some substantial changes! The Reading Test looked much less like previous PSATs and must more like the current iteration of the SAT.


(1) Previous PSATs included more questions that told the student where in the passage they could find the answer as compared to the SAT. This did not change.

(2) Previous PSATs included fewer questions that require the student to compare to passages as compared to the PSAT. This too did not change.

(3) PSATs continue to have, on average, the same number of Main Idea questions as the SAT.


(4) A hallmark of the PSAT Reading Test is that it typically has fewer (proportionally - as the PSAT only has 47 questions compared to the SAT’s 52 questions) questions where a student must hunt down the answer in the passage. As we have noted HERE, these have become the most important question type of the SAT Reading Test, as the test has evolved, save the October 2020 Test.

In this way - it appears that the College Board not only mixed up the October 2020 SAT Reading Test, but also the October 2020 PSAT.


Those prepared for the SAT (with high #s of questions that do not include a line reference) would have been well prepped for the 2020 PSAT! The October SAT & PSAT Reading Tests run counter to well established test trends. We will need to keep a careful eye on these changes for potentially significant strategy modifications for each test!

The 2020 October SAT Math Tests

Unlike the Oct 2020 Reading section, the Math sections fell within expected ranges and distributions of Q types.

The way we think about SAT math is this: it’s a surprisingly closed universe (with very tight boundaries), and what you get on any given SAT is a permutation of these expected Q types.

The October 2020 SAT Reading Test - Some Pretty Big Changes

The October 2020 SAT Reading Test saw some pretty significant changes, not only in terms of the frequency of questions types (how many times a question type appears on the test), but also in terms of the format of the question types.

June SAT Cancelled; ACT likely will follow!

  • We just received notification that the June SAT will be canceled. Click HERE for official College Board announcement. 

  • It is likely that the ACT will follow suit for the June 13 test date, though no announcement has yet been made.

  • The SAT is promising monthly administrations of the SAT from Aug - Dec with increased capacity for each test. 

  • In the event that schools do not open, both the SAT & ACT are planning a virtual administration. Click HERE and HERE for news analysis of projected Fall options. 

We wanted you to be the first to know. We are open to continuing tutoring if your student thinks we are laying a good foundation. However, in most cases we recommend that sessions be rescheduled in the lead up to the August (or Fall) test date. 

Contact us with any questions. 

Stay safe! 

The University Select Team

The October SAT Writing Test - How it matches up!

On the whole there are no huge changes on the October Writing Test.

However, there are a few small tweaks

Compared to the average of the 10 Official Tests in the College Board Book/available online (#2 & 4), the October Test had

  • 2 more punctuation questions - matching a growing importance placed on punctuation

  • 1 more grammar question (consistently of plural vs singular or verb tense)

  • 1 more graphic question

  • 0 - we call them grab bag questions — those questions that test grammar rules - but rarely (e.g. subject vs. object pronouns or idioms)

  • 3 questions that ask about main ideas of paragraphs and/or passages; this question is a newly emerging trend.

On the whole there were no great changes - but rather some minor shifts.

The October SAT Reading Test

The October SAT Reading Test had no major surprises:

  1. Questions that ask about details in the passage, but you have to search for them remained outsized, matching their growing significance.

  2. Evidence, line reference, main idea, and graphic questions remained consistent.

We get up to some fun!

Last week we got to make a trip to Cambridge/Harvard Business School - for a wonderful opportunity to talk with some really kind folks about what we are doing here in greater JAX! And because we were without kids - it was also a date! Thank you to everyone who has been so supported of us! We so appreciate it! It has been quite a journey!

The June 2019 ACT English Test

All grammar (including punctuation) and editing paragraphs questions both were presented in the usual ways and at similar frequency as previous tests.

Editing sentences - which normally appear on average in 13 questions (December 2018 we had 20 questions) - appeared in but 7 questions on June ACT.

As we gear up for the test this weekend - is seems that a focus on Punctuation continues to pay off!

The June 2019 ACT Reading Test

Here’s what we saw: a lot of normal!

  • Questions that ask about a detail in a passage you have to search for — 19 questions. The average on all publicly available tests is …. 19 (April 2019 had 17).

  • Questions that ask about a detail in the passage and give a line reference — 9. The average on all publicly availably tests is … 10 (April 2019 had 13).

  • Questions that ask about the passage as a whole — 9 questions. The average on all publicly available tests is … 8 (April 2019 had 13).

  • Questions that ask about vocab — 2 questions. The average on all publicly available test is … 3 (April 2019 had 3).

All in all the test had no major surprises! Let’s hope the July is similar!

What it takes to get National Merit Scholarship

For the last two years, 1470 on the PSAT has been enough to get NMS in Florida, meaning top 1% PSAT scores.

The actual number associated with national merit is a composite of the 3 (Reading, Writing, and Math) sub scores (out of 40) x 2. This means each section counts equally - whereas for your PSAT score - Math is given the same weight as a combined Reading and Writing score.

In short - for National Merit - Verbal (reading & writing) counts for 2/3 of your score!

E.g. Reading 38 + Writing 37 + Math 37 = 112 x 2 =224

So the actual cut off number is usually in 216-219 range for Florida.

ACT/SAT Score Increase for Florida's Bright Futures 1330/1200

The ACT Reading April 2019 Test

While not as difficult in textual analysis, the ACT Reading test is a scramble! 40 questions in 35 minutes!

Things that stayed the same:

  • the # of Main Idea questions

  • the # of Vocab questions

Things that changed:

  • though still not the lowest (that was the June 2017 test) the # of detail questions that you have to hunt for in the passage was lower than the average by 2

  • sharing the greatest # of detail questions that have a line reference with Practice Test 5 in the newest book - the April 2019 test had 2 more than the average

The June results have been released! We will soon see how that test matched up!

The SAT May Results are in - Writing

On the whole there are no huge changes on the May Test. However, there are a few small tweaks

Compared to the average of the 8 Official Tests, the May Test had

  • 3 more punctuation questions - matching a growing importance placed on punctuation

  • 2 less grammar (consistently of plural vs singular or verb tense)

  • 2 vocab questions - matching the trend (whereas March had four!)

  • graphic questions remained constant at 2

  • zero organization questions (where you place a sentence in a particular part of the paragraph) - where most tests have anywhere from 1 -3

  • 3 questions that ask you to keep or delete a sentence - where the May test had zero!

On the whole there were no great changes - but rather some minor shifts.

The SAT May Results are in - Reading

The May SAT Reading Test had no major surprises:

  1. Questions that ask about details in the passage but you have to search for them remained outsized, matching their growing significance.

  2. Evidence, line reference, main idea, and graphic questions remained consistent.

ACT vs SAT Reading Difference #3

The ACT & SAT Reading are two different beasts! Over the next few weeks we will explore how they match up!

#3: Both the ACT & SAT Reading sections test vocabulary. However, the SAT places greater emphasis on vocabulary: 14% of the SAT Reading questions are vocabulary versus the ACT’s 7%.

SAT Math Exponential Functions

Exponential functions are now appearing twice as often on test day as they do on tests in the Official College Board SAT guidebook.

ACT vs SAT Reading Difference #2

The ACT & SAT Reading are two different beasts! Over the next few weeks we will explore how they match up!

#2: Questions about specific details in the passage on the SAT & ACT are fundamentally different: the SAT requires far more careful textual analysis. These types of questions on the ACT are much more obvious. The pinch on the ACT is that you have substantially less time.

The two Reading tests boil down to a question of difficulty (SAT) vs time pressure (ACT).

ACT vs SAT Reading Difference #1

The ACT & SAT Reading are two different beasts! Over the next few weeks we will explore how they match up!

#1: One of the biggest differences between the two tests - outside of time per question (ACT = 52 seconds; SAT 85 seconds) - is that HALF of the ACT questions require you to search the passage to find the answers, whereas on the SAT they make up but a QUATER of the test.

The Nitty Gritty of SAT Punctuation

On the March 2019 SAT - there were 8 Punctuation Questions: 6 Comma Qs, 1 Apostrophe Q, 1 Colon Q. 4 Comma Qs tested the difference between essential & nonessential clauses; 2 tested the difference between independent and dependent clauses.